Radford City Commonwealth's Attorney

Chris Rehak


On March 10, 2014, I presented to Radford City Council a commemorative check for ONE million dollars. This represents the fines collected from DUI cases over just my first eight years as Commonwealth's Attorney. In 2005, I  altered our charging method for drunk driver arrests. Now the fines stay local and come to the City of Radford instead of going to Richmond. As of 2024, these fines now exceed TWO million dollars.

During my twenty-five years as a prosecutor, the passage below has served to anchor my judgment, guided my discretion and provided valuable perspective as I carry out my assigned duties.  "The qualities of a good prosecutor are as elusive and as impossible to define as those which mark a gentleman.  And those who need to be told would not understand it anyway.  A sensitiveness to fair play and sportsmanship is perhaps the best protection against the abuse of power, and the citizen’s safety lies in the prosecutor who tempers zeal with human kindness, who seeks truth and not victims, who serves the law and not factional purposes, and who approaches his task with humility."  

                - Robert  H. Jackson

It is an honor and privilege to serve as elected chief prosecutor for the City of Radford. My obligation and commitment to public safety are not only responsibilities I respect and cherish, but a passion. Please take time to learn more about me and the cases and causes I have taken up over the years. I am proud to represent our community fighting crime and protecting the quality of life we all enjoy.